Saturday, October 1, 2011

Waking Up

Today we got right back on track with our routine.  The boys were off to swimming lessons and the girls went shopping.  We got a few things for Grayson but we tried to focus mostly on Rocky.  Poor kid has no long sleeve shirts that fit him anymore and no socks either.  Since the weather will be in the 60's all week I guess it was time we worked on this.  We had bunch of visitors this afternoon and then spent a quiet evening at home. 

I noticed today that Grayson was awake a lot more than she was the past few days.  She's also starting to eat a little better.  I guess she's getting used to life on the outside.  She's laying in my lap right now drfting off to sleep.  Hopefully the night ahead is not too bad.  Last night I managed about 6 hours of sleep and even though they weren't consecutive they were still deeply appreciated : )

I'm starting to feel bad about only having pictures of Grayson.  Tomorrow my baby boy turns two so look out for pictures of the birthday boy.  For now here's the princess wide awake.  You can see she has the same crazy reflectiveness in her eyes as Chase does.  They almost look fake.

Time for some rest (hopefully).  Tomorrow is a big day around here!

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