Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chase's 2nd Birthday

Happy second birthday to our little man Chase!  Its crazy that two years can pass by so quickly.  Its even crazier when you think of what he was like at his birthday last year and what he was like at his birthday this year.  Last year he didn't even know how to walk and was only saying a couple of words.  This year he is running around all over the place and speaking in complete sentences.  Chasey is our active boy - he loves to climb and jump and rough house with his brother.  We are constantly amazed at how well he speaks and follows directions.  He's definitely growing into a little boy now instead of a baby.  Tomorrow we have his 2 year checkup so we'll see how big he's gotten over the past 6 months. 

Since we've only been home from the hospital since Wednesday afternoon we knew throwing a big birthday party was out of the question.  We just had immediate family over but it turned out perfectly.  Chasey had such a good time and he definitely understood that the day was for him.  He ran around the house this morning yelling "party time" and saying happy birthday. 

Here are a few pictures from the party.  We were busy with the kids and company but I tried to snap a few pictures from each part of the day.

Someone got all dressed up for the party

The birthday boy with his birthday pizza

Present time!  Chasey was excited to open gifts and Rock was excited to help.  Unfortunately the helping turned into taking over completely within a few minutes.

Rocky after he got yelled at for taking Chasey's presents lol.  Poor boy, its hard to give up the spotlight sometimes.

Chasey was so excited to open his new shoes.  The kid scored a whole new wardrobe today.  He's going to look so cute!

Blowing out his candle.  He did it all by himself.

Cake face

An attempt to get a picture of the cousins together.  I'd say we weren't too successful!

And finally my pretty little lady. 

Overall a wonderful day spent with the family.  We're finally winding down now.  Grayson is snuggled up on my chest, peaceful and content.  Last night didn't go too well and when I did sleep it was on the couch and she was in her bouncy seat.  Hopefully I can spend a little time in my own bed tonight though that's most likely wishful thinking!

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