Monday, October 3, 2011

Special Delivery

We were out and about early this morning since we had a pediatrician's appointment at 8:45am.  Yeah, that's definitely not a great time to have an appointment when you are up all night with a baby and then have to get three kids ready and out of the house on time.  Luckily Michael was still home today so between the two of us we managed to get there on time.  The appointment was mostly for Chase's 2 year well visit but we also added a weight and jaundice check for Grayson on there too.

First up, Chasey.  The kid was a rock star!  I never imagined that he would behave so well.  Usually at this age kids scream and resist the doctor and what he's trying to do.  Chase willingly did everything from getting weighed to the flu mist up the nose to getting his blood drawn.  He sat through the blood draw without a peep or even a flinch.  I still can't believe it!  Chasey is weighing in at 31 pounds and is 35 inches tall.  He is pretty much exactly the same size Rocky was at that age.  Its funny how they started life at such different weights but ended up following the same exact growth curve.  They are consistently in the 75th percentile.

Grayson got her blood redrawn just to make sure her jaundice levels were on their way down.  She was at 13 on Friday and her results came back at 10 today.  She is on the right track and we don't need to get it rechecked unless she stops eating and starts acting lethargic.  She weighed in at 6lbs 6 oz today.  The doctor isnt worried because he thinks that she's on the upswing now and probably bottomed out over the weekend.  We're going to continue feeding her as we have been (about 1.5 ounces every 2-4 hours when she wants it). 

Now on to the fun part of the day.  The boys were playing this afternoon when we saw the UPS truck pull up outside.  The boys were so excited to get a special delivery from Uncle Lucas all the way in Texas.  They ran down to the door, got the package from the delivery man and then sat and admired their names on the box for awhile.

We finally got the box open (nice tape job Lucas!) and the boys had so much fun going through the stuff inside.  Chasey got an adorable outfit and a book for his birthday, Grayson got the tiniest, cutest outfit and Rock scored some helicopters.  Everyone loved everything and I think the fun of getting something delivered especially for them definitely added to it.  Thanks Unlce Lucas : )

Grayson missed the excitement because she was sleeping in her bouncy seat.  I think this picture is funny because she almost looks chubby here.

Tomorrow is Michael's first day back to work and time for us to get into our new routine.  Definitely looking forward to getting everyone back on track.

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