Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Home Alone

Today was my first day alone with all three kids since Grayson was born.  We got right back into the swing of things and had a very good day.  Right now not too much has changed.  Grayson sleeps a lot of the time and besides eating, changing her diaper and rocking her to sleep once in awhile she doesn't require too much attention to be happy.  I remember being worried when I was pregnant with Chase that I wouldn't be able to continue my normal schedule with two kids in tow instead of one.  Obviously we adjusted and life went on as usual.  This time around it never even crossed my mind that a third child would slow us down.  You would think the more kids you had the harder it would be.  I think each baby we have brought home has been a little easier than the baby before.  There are just so many things you are way more comfortable with.  Even being up in the middle of the night is a little easier to handle becauses you know what to expect.  You're still so tired you could sleep standing up but you know that it won't last forever (hopefully!).

Back to our first day home alone.  We played, took baths and showers, made a Target run and made all meals.  I feel pretty accomplished.  Everyone was happy and well behaved- I couldn't have asked for more!  Just a few quick shots of Grayson since I didn't want to bother the boys.  They were playing so nicely most of the day I didn't want to shove a camera in their faces.

Sleepy baby smiles <3

Sleeping beauty slept most of the day away but was wide awake from about 5pm until 7:45.  Lets hope she wore herself out and feels like sleeping for a little bit tonight!

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