Friday, September 30, 2011

Long Night

Our first night home was wonderfully peaceful.  Our second night home. . . not so much.  Baby girl was literally up from 10:30pm all the way until 7 am.  Yes, you read that correctly!  I finally manged to snag an hour of sleep on the couch with Grayson snuggled next to me from 7am to 8am when I had to get up and get ready for her pediatrician's appointment.  Needless to say I am all out of sorts today.  Luckily I got to take a two hour nap this afternoon when Chasey went down for his nap and Michael watched Rock and Grayson.  Its amazing how much those couple of hours helped.

Miss Grayson did pretty well at her appointment today.  She dropped down to 6 lbs 8oz so that wasn't fabulous but her bilirubin level came back in the acceptable range so she doesn't need to be treated for jaundice (yay!).  We bring her back in Monday since Chase has his 2 yr checkup so that she can get weighed again.  Her appetite seemed to pick up a bit this evening so hopefully she'll start gaining some weight.

One of Chasey snacking thrown in for good measure : )  He told me "no take picture" but I manged to sneak one.

Teeny tiny perfect baby toes.

We decided to give Grayson her first sponge bath tonight.  Her long dark hair makes frequent baths necessary!  You can tell from her expression that she wasn't very impressed with the whole procedure.

All dressed up and ready for bed.  Let's see how that goes tonight!

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