Thursday, October 13, 2011

Picture Fail

I'm going to try to make this quick.  I had a crazy couple of hours getting the kids fed, bathed, dressed and in bed.  Grayson is most awake from 5pm until about 8 or 9 pm.  That's great as far as sleeping later on goes but its not so great when you're trying to cook, clean etc.  When she's awake she wants to be held.  I can do a lot of things one handed but certain things are impossible (like cooking!).

I felt motivated this morning and decided I was going to attempt some pictures of Grayson.  I've been taking a lot of everyday pictures but nothing special. I got everything set up, furniture moved and the boys occupied.  Of course Grayson decided she was going to be wide awake and not cooperate.  She would not sleep for anything!  Once she started drifting off I would attempt to remove her A+A swaddling blanket and she would immediately wake up.  This led to a big time picture fail.  She still looks cute even though the pictures are a mess!

Oh well I guess.  Maybe I'll attempt again tomorrow afternoon when Chasey is asleep.  Grayson seems to sleep a little more deeply in the afternoon anyway.  At this rate I'll never get a decent shot!

Not that this has to do with anything but I wanted to add a quick picture of Chasey eating his tomato soup tonight.  He was so proud of himself for not spilling too much of it.  Too bad half the bowl was all over his face!

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