Friday, October 14, 2011

Attempt #2

I am determined to get a decent picture of this girl.  I'm on a mission.  I'm not sure if we quite accomplished it yet but I think we are closer than we were yesterday.  Here is attempt number 2 at pictures.  Grayson was a little more cooperative this time but I can tell you that she does not enjoy being naked.  I had vsisons of a cute baby butt in these pictures and she would not have it.  So as a compromise we covered up her almost naked butt with the brown blanket.  She does look snuggly and warm anyway!

In other baby news, my 2.5 week old slept from 8:30pm until after 4am.  It was heaven!  I feel so refreshed this morning.  I know I can't count on it every night so i'll take it when I can.  She's been sleeping for longer and longer during that stretch so hopefully she sticks with it : )

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