Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 225- More Hats

30 weeks and 3 days pregnant

Still here!  Michael was back to work today so my mom was over bright and early.  My big excitement for the morning was taking a shower and heading downstairs to breakfast.  Thrilling stuff.  The afternoon was a little better because my brother came to visit and so did my cousin.  It was nice to have a bunch of people to hang out with.  Lucas filled us in on his Germany trip and my cousin plans on putting me to work getting stuff ready for her upcoming school year.  I am looking forward to doing something (even if it is punching out bulletin board letters!). 

Everyone has been laughing at me because I have knitted about 6 hats since this bed rest ordeal started on Friday.  I'm getting a little bored of making hats so I ordered some knitting books this afternoon.  Hopefully they will be here in the next couple of days.  Maybe I'll actually be able to learn a new skill while sitting here for hours on end.  I taught myself the basic knit stitch not too long ago but I want to make something so I need to learn a little more.  I never thought this was how I would spend my bed rest but I need to do something.  I can't sit still and read countless magazines and books and watch tv.  Its just not my thing.  At least with knitting my hands are busy and I have to think about something.  We'll give it a try and see how it goes.

Here is who I hung out with all afternoon

Definitely some good times and lots of laughs.  It definitely helped time go by this afternoon.

Here are some shots of C in the hat I made him.  He was so insistent that he have his own hat I rushed and made it a little too small.  Now it looks like a funny little beanie with a pompom.  This definitely had us laughing!

And both of them in their hats : )

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