Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 224- Art Time

30 weeks and 2 days pregnant

Before I get to what I did today (it wasn't much!) I want to say that I finally got the results of my ffn test.  Negative!!! This means that we can say with 90 something percent certainty that miss Grayson will not be joining us in the next two weeks.  That's a huge relief.  I don't feel quite so much like a ticking time bomb anymore.  I don't have to stress about every twinge and contraction that I feel and I would usually consider completely normal.  Hopefully when I go for my appointment on Thursday there will have been no change and I will get a little bit of this restriciton lifted.  I'm not talking about shopping marathons or running around after the kids but it would be nice to leave the house for a little bit each day and take a bigger part in the boys' day to day activities.

Today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Michael left early to head up to the lawyer's office to finally get this contract ironed out.  We now have a revised contract in hand that is waiting for our signatures.  It states that the tenant's will be out of the house 5 days before we close which should be in about 90 days.  We have to sign the contracts, send them back to the seller, he has to sign them and then send them to his bank for approval.  So, we are on our way but no where near the finish line yet.  Seeing how this thing has went in the past, I'm not going to get too excited yet!

The boys came back to the house for lunch and hung out for the rest of the afternoon.  I obviously couldn't get up and play with them but I ate lunch with them and watched R play with his toys.  C took a super long nap so I didn't get to spend too much time with him but they should be around all day tomorrow : )  They are all out now at Playland for a friend's work event, riding the rides and eating junk food.  My friends from the neighborhood came by and brought me dinner and kept me company.  Like I said, overall not too terrible of a day for bed rest.

Here is a few shots of R hard at work at his easel this afternoon.  Michael brought it up from the playroom so I could watch him paint.  Check out his new green winter hat I knit him today lol

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