Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 223- Continuing On

30 weeks and 1 day pregnant

I know that the last two days are missing from this but I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with the project or not.  I love taking pictures everyday and sharing what we've been up to but it seemed so pointless with me sitting on the couch for the foreseeable future.  The more I thought about it I finally came to the conclusion that no matter what happens in the next few weeks or months that I wanted it all documented for the future.  I might not post everyday but I will try to come up with something.

I'm not going to lie- bed rest is awful!  I have been sitting here for days feeling completely fine for the most part while everyone else's lives have been turned upside down.  Our parents, sibllings, friends and other relatives are all going to be pitching in as the weeks continue.  The boys are still so young and don't completely understand what's going on.  R has been a trooper and exceptionally well behaved throughout all of this. He's my little helper and has loved having daddy do everything with him.  C is at a tough age and has been running everyone in circles (except for me obviously).  He doesn't understand why I'm not taking him to bed, getting him up in the morning and doing our daily activities together.  Honestly I think its been just as hard on me.  It breaks my heart when he says, "mommy hold me" and raises his little arms to me.  I can't pick him up and all I want to do is snuggle him.  Luckily both boys are catching on and will bring books to me to read to them or toys to play with while I'm sitting on the couch.  I read stories to both boys today and built a lego house wtih R.  It makes me feel better that they still want to include me.  I miss hanging out with my little buddies, running errands together and playing outside.  This is SO hard.

In the past few days I have knitted 3 hats, started a new book, read two magazines and watched countless hours of hgtv.  By the end of all this Grayson will have a different color hat for everyday of the week, I'll have read my way through the best seller list and I will know how to completely renovate my own house.  One of my friend's suggested I take up calligraphy and I may actually look into it.  I have extremely neat handwriting and am pretty artistic so it might be something I can do while sitting here.  I haven't really come up with too many other ideas on how to stay entertained  while remaining on the couch.  I know there will be some online shopping in my future since we have no bottles, pacifiers etc. for the new baby.  I also continue to search for decorating ideas for our future house (there should be more news on this tomorrow so I'll keep you posted!).

Sorry for the rambling again but get used to it!  With nothing to do all day my mind is on overdrive and there is nothing else to do with all of those thoughts.  Here are a few shots of R singing and playing guitar for us and one shot of all the hats I have created so far. 

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