Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 220- I'm Home!

After another stressful day spent in bed I am finally home with my boys and Michael.  The morning started off with my heart rate elevated to over 150.  Normal heart rate is around 70 so obviously they were a little concerned.  The baby looked great and I wasn't having contractions.  Because I wasn't having any other symptoms and I felt fine they decided to see if the heart rate would come down on its own.  After two ekgs and an echocardiogram they determined my heart looked perfect.  I do have an extra "electrical spot" that will sometimes cause my heart to race.  The heart can get stuck in this rapid rythym and there are a few ways they can break the rythym and slow it back down.  First the cardiologist tried to press on the artery in my neck (holy ouch!).  It slowed it down slightly but after three attempts and a bruised neck later he wasn't getting the results he wanted.  Next came the drug in the iv.  I forget what it was called but I will never wish that on anyone.  I got a warning of, "you are going to feel funny for a few minutes" and next thing I knew my whole body was clamping down and I had shooting pains in my chest and arms.  It only lasted a minute but it was the minute from hell!

Luckily the heart rate came down after that and I have to go for a follow up next week.  Its not anything dangerous and I may have to take a mild medication to regulate it if I continue to have problems.  So far I've felt great though so that's a relief!

After hanging out for hours and hours I got my second steroid shot to help develop the baby's lungs.  After that came the test to determine if I will go into labor in the next two weeks.  If the test is negative it means I won't be going into labor for the next two weeks and if its positive it doesn't really mean anything.  Obviously we are praying for a negative on this one!

I got released tonight on strict orders of bed rest.  I can only get up to go to the bathroom and take a shower.  This is probably the hardest thing I will ever do!  Everyone who knows me knows I suck at sitting still.  I always have to be busy doing something and I never lay around.  The worst news is that I can't even pick up my babies : (  This is the hardest part.  I've been calm through all of this but when I saw those little faces tonight I just felt awful.  This is going to be so confusing for them.  They are used to being snuggled and smooshed all day.  Luckily they are big enough to climb on the couch and hang out with me and we have a ton of family members around to help out.  I don't know what we would do without everyone.  They are going to be the only way we can coordinate all of this and make sure Grayson stays put for at least another month.

I'm not sure what will happen to my picture a day since I can't do anything but sit or lay here.  Hopefully I will be able to catch something from the couch.  I would hate to give up on it after coming this far!  I guess I'll just have to see how that goes too. 

Here is a quick cell phone shot of Michael hard at work on his computer in the hospital room.  We thought it was funny that he was dressed for work even though he never went into the office today.  I think you should get extra work from home credit if you dress the part too : )  Of course we love to tease him but he has stepped up to the plate and taken care of everything.  I know he has so much to do with work and now the boys.  I couldn't ask for a better husband.  I love you honey, thanks for taking such good care of us.  No matter what comes up we'll figure it out!

Sorry for the rambling but I just wanted to get it all written down so I didn't forget any of it.  Hopefully tomorrow will be back to boring normal posts!

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