Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 219- Bummer

Today I had an ultrasound and appointment scheduled with my doctor to make sure that nothing was progressing before it should.  Well. . . I knew as soon as the ultrasound tech didn't tell me what was going on that I was in for some bad news.  A visit with the doctor after confirmed it.  I am 1cm dilated and baby's head is hanging out super low : /  Not exactly the news you want to hear at 29 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  I had to go immediately downstairs and be admitted overnight into labor and delivery for observation.  Holy heart attack.  I got a steroid shot around 5pm (in my butt nonetheless) and will get another one tomorrow.  The shots are to help stop any contractions and to help strenghten the baby's lungs in case she comes early.  I'm also hooked up to an iv to help hydrate me.  So now we sit and wait.  I am having mild contractions every ten minutes but nothing to get too concerned about.  I will most likely be released tomorrow night and be on restricted activity/bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy.  I also have to see the high risk specialist next week to look a little further into what's going on. 

*Sigh*  I knew this was going to be a bad day but it definitely got worse after that news.  I just hope that baby girl can hang out in there for another 5 or 6 weeks without incident.  I have a lot to figure out with the boys and how we're going to work this all.  Thank goodness for family close by and willing to help out.  Should be an interesting couple of weeks ahead.  I will definitely keep everyone updated on what's going on.  I guess I will be doing all my baby prep via online shopping.  No mall trips for me for a long time to come : (  Something was nagging at me to get things ready and I figured I had so much time ahead of me.  Guess I was wrong on that one!

Here is my view for the evening.  My first cell phone pic upload in the past 219 days.

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