Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 218- 22 Months

Its hard to believe that C is 22 months already.  That means in two short months he will be a two year old : (  Time really does fly by especially when you have house buying, a new baby and two boys on your mind all day long.  C is very different at this age than his brother was.  For one thing he talks a lot more.  He chatters all day long, tells us what he wants and answers questions.  He can use three or four word sentences and is pretty understandable.  My favorite things he says are thank you, bless you, horse, french toast and orange juice.  He has quite the vocabulary already.  He is very active and loves to dance, jump and run around.  He has become such a handful this past month and I know the worst is yet to come.  The terrible twos are upon us but that's okay.  As frustrating as it can be, we made it through once and will do it again.  Besides, who could ever really be mad at this face??

Off to the doctor's tomorrow for an ultrasound and appointment.  I can't wait to see miss Grayson's little face again.  I am so curious to see how big she is measuring.  I imagine she will be in the upper percentiles like her brothers were but you never know.  I feel like a girl should at least be a little smaller right?  Will update tomorrow!

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