Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 217- Happy August!

August is off to a wonderful start.  Hopefully we can leave the stress in July and start fresh this month.  The boys slept well last night and woke up in much better moods.  We got all of our errands done without any major incidents and C took a nice afternoon nap.  We also got some very promising news about the house so that lifted everyone's spirits.  I'm trying not to get too excited yet since nothing is definite but it is looking more positive each day that passes.

This afternoon we headed down to the basement to look for some baby items we have stored there.  I figured its time to start getting myself in order.  While I searched through bins and boxes we happend to find C's ducky pillow he got at his first Christmas.  He loves ducks and I was thinking about getting him a pillow soon so we dragged it upstairs for him to test out.  He wanted to lay on it right away so we set him up in the living room with his new pillow, his book and his movie.  He was one happy boy!

We decided to make R's favorite dinner tonight (spaghetti, salad and garlic bread) with a little added bonus- meatballs.  R wolfed his food down in record time.  Who knew my picky eater would randomly decide to love meatballs?

And deciding he was done with the camera

Let's keep our fingers crossed that this house situation keeps moving forward over the next couple of days so we can all relax and have smiles on our faces again : )

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