Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 228- Update

Yesterday I had my follow up doctor's appointment so I guess I should update.  I've been in somewhat of a mood since but am starting to feel better so I guess I'll write it all down before I forget. 

The appointment wasn't awful but it definitely could have been much better.  I haven't dilated anymore (yay!) so that's definitely the good news- still holding strong at 1cm.  The not so good news is that my cervix shortened from 1.8 all the way down to 1.0.  Its supposed to be around 3.5-4 at this point in the pregnancy so, yeah.  Not the best news.  I earned myself a trip to the high risk specialist on Monday to see what he has to say about everything.  I'm not really sure what he'll be able to tell us in addition to what we already know but I guess it can't hurt.  They also did a growth ultrasound on the baby to see how big she is.  She is measuring almost a week ahead (no surprise there lol) but is only in the 37% for weight at 3lbs 8oz.  So very tiny, we definitely don't want her to come yet.  I know that growth ultrasounds are notorious for being wrong but I had one with C and they were spot on.  Let's face it, even if they are off, she is super small and not ready to join us out here yet.  We need this baby to cook for at least another month!

It seems that the only thing I managed to over achieve at during this past week was not gaining weight.  In fact I somehow managed to lose 4 pounds while sitting on my butt for an entire week.  I'm not sure what I can blame that on.  Maybe the massive amounts of water i'm drinking or the fact that sitting around doesn't make you feel too hungry.  Nobody seemed concerned about it so I guess I'll take it while I can.  I'm still up 19 pounds from my starting weight so there has definitely been an adequate amount of weight gained!  I can only imagine how its going to be when i've been sitting here for an entire month.

That's pretty much everything caught up for now.  Next appointment is Monday with the high risk doctor and then I have an appointment with my doctor on Friday.  I guess we can look at the bright side (hey, i'm trying!) and be happy that I will get to leave the house twice next week : )

Now on to the boys because that's all anyone cares about anyway.  I had an aweosme morning with them.  They were so well behaved for Aunt Lisa and played so nicely all morning.  We read stories, played and colored for awhile.  R also sang and played the guitar for us.  Here are some shots of them watching the Today Show when The Zach Brown Band was playing.  They loved it!

The downside of being stuck on the couch- people sit directly in front of you and you spend a lot of time looking at the back of people's heads : /

Looking at this face cheers me up every time!

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