Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 212- Quicky

I just haven't been in the mood for pictures this week at all so I apologize.  The boys have been at each other's throats the past two days and it has been exhausting.  Today C was up before 6am and R was up around 6:30.  That left a very long day with a lot of time for fighting, wrestling and arguing.  We got out this afternoon to get a few little things for the nursery and my curtain project and then played outside in the driveway for over an hour.  There was fighting involved in that too though so it wasn't as fun as it usually is.  Its now a little after 6:30 and we are all fed, clean and C has ben in bed for the past 10 minutes.  Oh, blissful peace : )

Just a few quickies from the driveway this afternoon in between playing referee to the fights.

Off to get a few things done before Michael arrives home and the next wave of chaos ensues.  We are supposed to be getting a little more info on the house situation tonight so keep your fingers crossed.  At this point I will take any answer as long as we get some form of communication.  Its the no answer/no news that's killing me!

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