Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 211- Baby Bedding

Grayson's bedding is here!  We ordered it a couple of weeks ago but of course it was back ordered.  Every time a delivery truck went by the past week I have been hoping that the bedding was on it.  Finally today it arrived and it is perfect!! I love the colors and the patterns and it seems like it is really well made.  I somehow picked the perfect paint swatches to match so the few accessories I have gotten will work well.  Now if we could just get baby girl a room, we would be all set : /

Little look at the bumper and the paint swatches.  The walls will be the yellow/gold color in the middle.

Close up of the matching stroller blanket we got for the chair.  The same little bird is on the bumper as well.

In the bottom of this picture you can see the beginning of the ruffled curtains I am attempting to make.  I want ruffled curtains for her bedroom in the worst way but I can't find the color I want.  In my search for curtains I kept coming across DIY tutorials on how to make your own ruffled curtains out of fabric or bedsheets.  I couldn't find the right shade of aqua at the fabric store so bedsheets it was (thanks Target!).  I'm not sure how they are going to turn out since is the first time I am trying something like this but I figured why not?  The sheets cost $10 and I already had the curtain panels I'm using as the backing so if its an epic fail than I'm out 10 bucks and my time.  Not too bad  considering all of the ruffled curtains I found were $80 a panel (we would need four eventually , yikes!) and I would have to settle for white.  So we shall see.

No news as of right now on the house/ no house drama.  We haven't heard from anyone all day. SO annoying.  I want this all over and done with so that we can move on if need be.  Hopefully we'll have an update later tonight. 

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