Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 210- Flash Cards

You have to love the Target dollar bins.  I have gotten more workbooks, books and flashcards for a dollar in that store than you would ever believe.  Today R found packs of cards about dinosaurs, space, US animals and world animals.  There was a pack on insects but I hid that one because I didn't want to read about termites and centipedes for the next 5 months.

Of course R being the way he is had to go through all of the cards tonight.  I had to read every dinosaur name (thank goodness for the help with pronunciation on the back) and tell him what each dinosaur liked to eat.  He then had to know each animal name, the names of their babies and what they are called when they are in a group. I'm sure in the next couple of weeks he'll be spouting random animal, dinosaur and space facts.  You never know what that one will come out with!


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