Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 209- Summer Sunday

Its the weekend and I actually have more than one lame picture to share.  We headed up to Aunt Kathy's house today for some haircuts and swimming.  It worked out well since Aunt Kathy also happens to be our realtor so we had a chance to discuss the drama from the past few days.  The boys were less than thrilled about the haircuts but R actually sat like a big boy all by himself.  C screamed his head off but calmed down about halfway through.  All my boys are looking handsome now (even Michael) and I managed to get a trim too. 

Once the haircuts were done the boys got in the pool even though it was raining.  They had so much fun and stayed in for almost an hour.  Aunt Kathy found a pair of swimmies for R and he was so proud that he was swimming "like a big boy".  It was his first time using swimmies and I guess I should have gotten him some sooner.  He took them home so I guess we'll get a little more use out of them before the summer is over.

I was thankful for the 90mm today so I could stay under cover and still get shots of the boys : )

My favorite shot of the day- look at the joy on R's face!

Overall a great realxing summer day.  We ended it with dinner out with Mima and Pipa and then a visit from Grandpa Mike.  The only dark spot was the news about the house.  Tomorrow we are telling the agent that if there is no way to get the renters out then we will be withdrawing our offer.  Talk about depressing.  Now we begin our search all over again.  I know its going to be hard to let go of what life could have been like living in that house but hopefully we can find something that will make us just as happy.  Time will tell I guess.

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