Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 205- New Toy

This morning we were up and out early since I had a doctor's appointment at 10:30.  I managed to drink most of my glucose drink and made it to the appointment in time to have my blood drawn.  I thought I wouldn't get the results until the end of the week but I got a call by 3:00 this afternoon saying I passed.  I was SO thrilled I can't even tell you.  No 3 hour test for this girl : )  The rest of the appointment was standard stuff and everything is looking good.  We're chalking the pain up to this being pregnancy number 3 and the summer heat.  If I have more than 5 braxton hicks in an hour then I am supposed to call the doctor but other than that I shouldn't worry about it.  They scheduled my next appointment for two weeks from now.  They want me to have an ultrasound to make sure nothing is progressing before it should.  We need baby girl to bake a little longer!

For some reason after today's appointment I started feeling like I need to get my act together and start getting ready for this baby.  We have all of the main things that we need but there is still a list of items that we need to get before she gets here.  Bottles, pacifiers, sheets, swaddlers, bouncy seat and quite a few other basics.  With only a few months left, its time to get moving!

After a nice day hanging out with my mom and my nephew we headed to Mima's and Pipa's for some pizza and some fun on a very special new toy.  Check out what these kids get to play with when they visit now.

These lucky boys had a great time climbing, swinging and sliding.  The cutest part?  There are three swings so that when Grayson gets old enough all three can swing at the same time <3

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