Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 204- Goofing Around

Today was probably the laziest day of summer yet.  We headed to my mom's around 8:00 this morning to take showers and baths.  Ours should be all set and ready for tomorrow morning.  Since my nephew was over at my mom's for the day we decided to hang there and keep him company.  We did absolutely nothing ALL day long.  It has been so disgustingly hot here that we've been trapped in the house.  Its almost as bad as winter. 

Once we got back home this afternoon the boys took out every toy imaginable.  Here they are snacking and goofing around.  I think the heat may have been making them a little loopy.

Tomorrow we'll be up and out early again.  I have a doctor's appointment at 10:30 and I have to take the dreaded glucose test.  That means chugging horrible tasting orange drink before 9:30 in the morning.  Should be lovely.  I just hope I pass the 1 hour test!  When I was pregnant with R I just missed the cut off for the 1 hour and had to do the 3 hour test.  That was torture!  With C I passed with flying colors.  Let's just hope that's the case this time around too.  Just to keep things in my favor I made sure not to eat too many sugary foods today.  I'm sure it really has nothing to do with it but it can't hurt right?!

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