Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 192- Lazy Days

Today was definitely one of those lazy days of summer.  R finally seems to be back to normal so we had a much more enjoyable day today.  We hung around all morning and didn't do much of anything.  After lunch we headed to Nona's to hang out with Grandma and Poppy.  We have to make sure we get all of our time in while they are up here.  It was extremely hot and humid today so we were stuck inside for a lot of it.  When the back deck finally got some shade we brought some toys out there and let the boys play.  I guess some fresh air is better than none, right?

I have no idea why C thought it was funny to stick his face in the tree.  I just go with it these days as long as he's smiling and not injuring anyone.

And a little break from the heat somewhat near each other. Too bad I had the 90mm on my camera and this is as far as I could back up.

Crappy pictures but whatever. Like I said, it was a lazy kind of a day!

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