Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 190- Clean Up

I have been in a cleaning mood lately.  I don't know if its the fact that we are hoping to rent this place out soon or that I'm pregnant.  Both of these things seem to make me want everything in top order.  I have decluttered most of the main level and I have a large list of other odds and ends I want to get done.  For some reason I decided I was going to tackle the grout in the half bath this morning.  I have an intense hatred for white grout after living in this place.  It is absolutely beyond me why anyone would every use white grout in a bathroom.  It obviously does not stay white no matter how often you clean it.  I have tried every type of cleaner and every type of  scrubbing device.  The grout is still dingy looking.  I did a little google research this morning and came up with a few different solutions to test out.  I went with the equal parts salt and baking soda mixture with vinegar added in to make a paste.  You are supposed to dab the paste onto the grout and let it set for about 20 to 30 minutes.  Once the time has passed you go in and scrub the hell out of it.  Two hours of scrubbing my teeny tiny bathroom later and it is somwhat cleaner.  Being the perfectionist I am I'm still not totally satisfied.  My aching muscles know that its not from a lack of effort though!

Sticking with the clean theme I thought I'd snap a few bath shots.  This bathroom has not been tackled yet.  We have some serious grout issues going on in there.  Like an entire row of tiles coming off.  I don't even want to think about what this is going to take to fix.

These were taken with my 90mm so I was backed all the way against the far wall.  These are far from perfect but I'm too tired to care!

At least my kids are clean : )

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