Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 189- Fourth of July

Happy 4th!  It didn't seem like a holiday or long weekend because we were so busy with wedding stuff for the past couple of days.  We headed to pick up C and have a little bbq around 1 and I was so excited to see him.  I know he had fun the last couple of days but I definitely missed the little guy.

Look at these chubby little cheeks!  R was spraying him with a water bottle and C thought it was the funniest thing ever.

I'm so happy to have everyone home and I'm ready to get back to the regular schedule.  R had a little too much fun this weekend and threw an hour long fit tonight.  He's laying on the couch now still sniffling every now and again.  Whenever anything is as much fun as the wedding, we usually pay for it at some point!  Hopefully over the next couple of days we can all relax and get back to normal.

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