Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 186- Happy July!

I can't believe that another month has passed.  Here we are on July 1st ready to celebrate the holiday and my cousin's big wedding weekend.  The boys and I spent the day hanging out with Grandma and Nona again.  We did a little shopping and a little snacking and then headed back to Nona's to hang out.  The boys had a great time playing in the yard chasing wiffle balls and kick balls and I had a good time trying to catch them in action.

Apparently this looked like a good seat

Somehow by some miracle these three sat down right next to each other to take a break and I caught them.  This one is for Nona : )

Although everyone was tired from all the outside time we stayed late for a big family dinner and then headed back home around 8:30.  The mall had their big fireworks display and R was super excited to watch so we let him stay up late and hang out until they started.  We are so lucky to be able to sit outside on our steps and have a great view of the show. 

Tomorrow kicks off a super crazy weekend.  Tomorrow is early swimming lessons for the boys and rehearsal and rehearsal dinner later in the afternoon.  Sunday is the big wedding, the countdown begins!

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