Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 185- Ugh

Today was one of those days that started out so well and then took a sharp nose dive at the end of the day.  We went out this morning to the mall with my grandparents and my mom.  The boys were so well behaved and they even sat through a full sit down lunch.  My mom found some great new dresses for Grayson in Janie and Jack and Gap.  R tried on his suit for Sunday's wedding and he looked so amazingly cute I wanted to cry.  When we finally made it back home around 2:30 this afternoon C went right down for a nap and R wanted to play downstairs with his trains.  This left me some nice quiet time to relax and catch my breath.  Seems like such a perfect day right?  Well at about 4:45 I finally had to wake C up from his nap.  He seemed to be in good spirits but that didn't last too long.  He dragged out pretty much every toy you could think of, bit R hard enough on the arm to leave a mark, tried to bite me (in the butt of all places!!) while I was trying to cook dinner, slammed doors repeatedly, ripped covers off of books and to top it all off?  Turned the knob during the shower almost scalding the both of them.  After frantically dragging them both out of the shower and checking them over I sat there on the floor and had to take a couple minutes to catch my breath.  What a monster!!!  Even when you watch him like a hawk, that kid is so speedy he manages to do things that make you scratch your head.  I swear I am not a bad mother and I swear I was watching them closely during all of this.  As annoyed and frustrated as I am at least no one was hurt (excpet for that one bite mark!) so I can feel better about that I guess : /

We put C back to bed around 7:30 and R and I came downstairs for a breather and a little quiet time.  Here he is looking at me like I'm crazy for wanting to take his picture after what we just went through.  Truthfully, I didn't want to take any pictures but I really hate not finishing things I started so her you go.

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