Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 184- Summer Fun

After some thunder storms late last night we woke up to a beautiful day.  80 degrees and no humidity, perfect!  I took the boys over to visit Grandma and Poppy again this afternoon since I had a doctor's appointment over that way anyway.  We got to spend a good amount of time outside enjoying the weather and running around.

First up C. . . I want to eat him up in every single one of these pictures.  How adorable is he??  And I have to add that I seriously love the 90mm for outdoor shots of the kids <3

Next up is some pretty funny stuff.  Mima decided that R should learn how to do the wheelbarrow.  This is what happened after his first attempt.

So my mom decided to be the wheelbarrow in order to demonstrate proper technique : /

 R tried again with some pointers from Nona.

He held it together for a few steps and then slowly started to lose it lol

Shortly after our outdoor fun I headed out to my monthly doctor's appointment.  Since R is interested in all things Grayson he came along with me.  The nurses and doctors get a big kick out of him over there so he gets to be the big helper.  Blood pressure was perfect as was the baby's heartbeat and measurement.  I got an evil scale at the office today and it said I weighed about 2 lbs more than my scale at home did.  According to my numbers I am up about 15-16 lbs.  Looks like its going to be about 30 lbs gained again for this one.  The joys of motherhood I guess.  Oh, well!  I am now going every 3 weeks for checkups.  How did that happen??  This baby is going to be here before we know it.  I swear every pregnancy has gone faster than the last.  I really need to stop and enjoy every second of it (even the weight gain!) since Michael says this is the last baby for us.  I guess time will only tell on that one : )

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