Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 183- Randoms

We had a fun and busy day today (for the most part).  This morning C took a nice long nap while R played downstairs with his trains and I took some pictures down in the hallway and patched up holes.  I'd say I got the raw end of that deal but that's okay.  While this house buying process continues I know I'm most useful getting this house ready to rent out.  I don't watch hours of HGTV for nothing!

After lunch we headed to my parents' house to hang out with Grandma and Poppy who arrived from Florida last night.  The boys were so excited to see them and got to spend the whole afternoon playing around and being goofy.  Everyone else headed over to join us once they were done with work and we all had a big dinner together cooked by Grandma.  Delicious : )

During all the chaos my mom decided to drag out her wedding dress because she had this great idea to turn part of it into Grayson's christening dress.  Creepy picture alert

Oh lordy was that thing scary when it was in the box.  It looked like a bride corpse or something.  Shudder.  Once we dismantled the box and got the dress out though I felt much better.  Lots of pretty material for my Grandmother and Aunt to work with and make a cute little dress from.

C thought the dress box was a great seat and kept posing for pictures on top of it.  Every time I snapped a shot he would run over to look at the screen and say, "hi baby!".  So cute.

While we were all busy with this stuff R got into a pack of stickers and "decorated" himself.  He was very proud lol

Then I asked him why he thought he needed to be decorated and this was him thinking of his answer.  Everyone who knows R in real life knows this face well.  It means the wheels are turning in that head of his!

Great day today and there is more to come tomorrow.  More family time with Grandma and Poppy and then off to a doctor's appointment in the afternoon to check on baby Grayson.

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