Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 182- The Beast

Oh, the beast.  "Beast" has become C's new nickname lately.  I swear if there was a baby bootcamp this kid would be enrolled tomorrow.  He is out of control lately!  All of a sudden I find myself remembering how R was at this age and it makes me shudder.  Huge all out fits complete with flailing and screaming, running away from me everytime I ask him to come here and the biting.  The biting is insane.  R never had a biting problem but C is quickly becoming known for this nasty little habit.  In the past few days you don't even want to know how many times I have had to yell, "stop biting my toes!".  Gross.

This is C telling me, "no bite!" right after he tried to bite me.

And then he has his moments of absolute sweetness.  Cuddling up with his blankie and his puppy, reading about emergency vehicles.

 His sweetest habit of all- patting my belly and saying baby.  Here he is trying to give my belly kisses.

Hopefully tomorrow involves a lot less biting and a lot more sweetness.

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