Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 175- Dr. Rocco

One of R's favorite activities is to take out his doctor kit and check everyone out.  He really gets into it, asking what's wrong with you, what your name is and how you are feeling.  You always have to get checked in the same order: breathing, blood pressure, temperature, eyes and ears, a shot and a bandaid.  Your blood pressure will always be 89.6 but it won't be hard to remember because your temperature will also always be 89.6.  If you try to tell him that maybe the blood pressure is said a little differently you get yelled at.  I think his bedside manner needs a little work.

Here is R checking on C because according to R, C was a little bit sick.

C isn't a very good patient.  He often gets into a wrestling match with the doctor.

All in all we had a pretty good day.  The baby came so I had to get up early but we hung around all day which is just what we needed after another crazy weekend.  The boys played with their toys and R and I worked on his reading.  I can actually say reading now because he was really reading!  He points to each word and he reads every word he recognizes.  We made it halfway through Go, Dog. Go!  He has a pretty impressive sight word vocabulary for a 3.5 yr old.  He knows words like: go, dog, little, big, the, and, is, in. house, sun, green, red, yellow, blue, up, down, black, white, car, hello.  This is huge when learning how to read because he doesn't have to stop and sound out every word.  He's working on sounding out words he doesn't know now.  He doesn't quite get it yet but he's definitely catching on.  I'm so excited that he's so into reading right now.  I'm definitely going to use it while I can : )

So, maybe this really will be the future Dr. Rocco if he keeps on his current path

I don't want to leave C out because he is coming into his own lately too.  I don't know if he will be as into the reading and writing as his older brother but he has a pretty big vocabulary for a 20 month old and a VERY big personality.  I can brag about him too today because it was the first day that he named all the pictures in his ABC book.  Some of the words are pretty funny when he tries to say them (like Dootas for Lucas) but he definitely knows what he's trying to say.

Here is my mischevious one doing what he does best, making everyone laugh <3

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