Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 176- First Day of Summer

Today was the official first day of summer and it sure felt like it.  It didn't get too hot, maybe 80 or so, but it was SO humid it was disgusting.  The only reason I'm complaining about this is because I am pregnant and our air conditioning is broken.  Yuck.  I think the inside of the house got up to 80 before 2pm which is not a good sign.  Thankfully my mother saved my sanity and brought over a couple of fans for us to use. Its still 80 in here but it feels a million times better.  Its amazing what a little air movement can do!

We attempted to go outside this afternoon but it started to rain.  I made an early dinner, cleaned up quick and then took the boys out a little later than usual.  It was really comfortable outside and I'm sure the boys were happy to get some fresh air.

I think the heat was making everyone a little loopy, check out these expressions.

And this one isn't a funny face but his beautiful eyes came out so clear I had post it anyway.

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