Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 170- Sneak Preview

No baby agin today so it was another quiet day at home.  My main goal was to work on Grayson's armoire and to get my father's day pictures done.  Yes, I'm a little late on the father's day pictures this year.  I wasn't even going to do them but someone (ahem, Michael) demanded that they be done.  Last year the pictures were taken outside with the help of my mom.  She was the child wrangler and treat giver.  This year since I procrastinated so much I was on my own.  We don't really have anywhere pretty to take pictures outside so I decided to bust out some background paper and give it a go.  I now remember why I don't take "portraits" too often .  To say I was sweating by the end of this "session" would be a major understatement.  Controting yourself in awkward positions, running back and forth and trying to keep the kids in one place is exhausting anyday, nevermind when you are almost 23 weeks pregnant.  My next purchase will definitely be a portable background stand because trying to get rid of the wrinkles in the background after the fact is SO annoying (and time consuming).

Since I don't want to show the finished product yet, here is one of the shots I went through that made me laugh.  Could they look any less interested?!

At least they are both looking at the camera and you can actually see the letter.  Out of 114 pictures taken with different combinations of kids and letters, there weren't too many like this!

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