Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 160- Home Sweet Home

I must admit, I am dragging today.  Getting to bed at 2am and waking up before 8am while 21 weeks pregnant is not a recipe for a happy person.  We had a really good time last night but I am paying for it today.  I'm not sure how its possible to feel so horrible after a night out when you don't even consume any alcohol!

I got back into town around 12:30 this afternoon and we hung around Mima's house while C napped.  After an early dinner we got back home, I unpacked and then the boys decided they wanted to play outside in the driveway for a little while.  A bunch of the neighborhood kids were out so it got a little hectic but since it was the older group I was able to get some shots without worrying about cars running over little children.

C played with his Cozy Coupe for the most part.

And Michael worked on catching and throwing with R.  R is skilled in many areas but athletics doesn't seem to be one of them yet.  Time for daddy to start working with him since I don't seem to be much help in that department (woops).  Notice the tongue sticking out.  I think we can say he may take after me in that department : D

So proud <3

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