Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 161- Funny Faces

I had the day off from babysitting today so I used my time to catch up on a few things around the house and run errands.  I got to sleep in until about 7 which was awesome.  I don't know how I would have gotten up at 5:40 this morning.  I am still recovering from my big weekend out (lame!) and hopefully I'll feel back up to speed by tomorrow.

The boys used today to catch up on their rest too.  These weekends have been taking so much out of us and there is no end in sight.  I think we are booked solid from now until after the Fourth of July!

Here is R sounding out words along with his LeapFrog "Making Words" dvd.  Check out the faces it takes to sound out the word mat.



He was really getting it by the end of the dvd with a little practice.  I have no doubts that this kid will be an early reader.

This is an absolutely horrible shot but we had spaghetti night tonight and here is what C looked like about halfway through.  Don't ever doubt his love of spaghetti night!

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