Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 158- Cookie Party

I'm going to make this quick and dirty since its approaching 8pm, both kids are still up, one hasn't even eaten dinner yet and I am officially done for the day.  We didn't do too much today besides hang around and play with toys.  R and I made cookies while C was napping so that we could have a "cookie party" when Nona came to visit after work.  I got some horrible shots of that chocolatey mess so here they are.

We did manage to make it outside to play after we ate but there were about 8 neighborhood kids in my driveway so there was no opportunity for pictures.  Keeping that many kids under the age of 6 in the driveway and away from cars required all of our attention!

We have another busy weekend lined up so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post tomorrow.  I will get my pictures taken one way or another but during the day we are house hunting (yay!) and I'm heading out around 5 to go to Foxwoods for a bachelorette party.  Since i'll be in a hotel tomorrow night I'm sure the blogging will have to wait.  Everyone wish Michael luck with the boys!

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