Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 156- Day of Rest

We had such an awesome day yesterday until the very end.  That's when all hell broke loose.  We were out eating dinner at a little drive in burger place with our parents when both boys decided to throw massive fits.  Of course everyone was looking at us and of course Michael got flustered : )  Ehh, what are you going to do?  Almost everyone has been there a time or two so you just deal with it and move on.

Anyway, getting side tracked.  After the little demonstration last night it became apparent that the boys needed a day off.  They were going nonstop for the past 5 days and it finally caught up to them.  R fell asleep about 8:30 last night and C was a punk and stayed up until 9 or so.  I was SO shcoked this morning when I didn't hear from them until 8:00.  That is absolutely unheard of for C.  He has been getting up at 5:30 for the past couple of weeks.  Too bad I was up at 5:40 getting ready for the baby to come but at least they got their rest. 

We did absolutely nothing all day.  We played toys, watched cartoons and the boys stayed in their jammies.  It was heavenly.  C took a super long nap (10:30-2:30!).  Here he is having his late lunch.

We finally got our acts together around 4:30 and headed out to play in the driveway.  It was about 90 degrees and way too humid so we didn't last long.  Here is the only shot I could manage between kids falling and trying to run out into the street.  Hopefully R will make the blog tomorrow!

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