Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 152- Big Ultrasound

We had quite the busy day today!  Before I get to the ultrasound news I figured I would start with this morning's activities and then work my way from there.  I'm really loving this nicer weather and all the picture taking opportunities that are coming up.  Its so nice to shoot something other than the inside of my house for a change!

First things first, here is R on his way to school today.  Are you getting sick of looking at pictures of him on school days yet?  Only 3 classes left so there won't be too many more to sit through.  I hope he always has this much love for school : )

After we dropped R off we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and took C to a really nice park near the school.  Its nice that Michael was home so he could chase C around while I had fun taking pictures.  I love how I can sit back out of the action with the new lens and catch the boys having fun.  Being all up in their face with a camera usually makes them run and hide.  Now I can take pictures without them realizing it!

Oh the things Michael does with the boys that make me nervous!

Check out C's hair blowing in the breeze lol

And now on to the little Miss.  She is officially a girl and growing beautifully <3.  All of her measurements are right on track.  She is currently weighing in at 14 ounces and has a heart beat 151 bpm.  R came with us to the doctor's appointment and sat through the whole ultrasound.  I love that he's taking such an interest in the baby.  He was so excited to see his little sister on the screen.  After the ultrasound I had my usual monthly appointment and everything is looking good on my end too.  My weigh in was not my favorite portion of the appointment thanks to all of the Memorial Day bbqs we attended but whatever.  It is what it is. As long as the baby is good, I'll manage the rest.

Here is our little Grayson Isebell at 20 weeks and 3 days.

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