Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 149- Randoms

Before we get to the shots from today, here are a few from the day I got my new lens and yesterday.  Its so much fun to play around with something new.  It really gives you new incentive to pick up the camera!

And since C won't sit still long enough for me to get any closeups of his precious face, here are a few shots of him playing out in the driveway this afternoon.  We had our usual busy Saturday morning but this afternoon we hung around the house, played out in the driveway and then went out to Barnes & Noble and the pizza place.  Finally some time just us as a family!

C looking at the airplanes fly by.  He is amazed at anything with an engine that makes loud noises (trucks, machines, cars, motorcycles. .. . you get the picture)

Oh how I love this chubby face <3

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