Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 146- The Belly

I decided to attempt to take a few snapshots of the belly this morning.  When I was pregannt with R I would take a picture every Saturday morning.  Its fun to look back on those pictures now and see the progression from flat belly to massive belly.  I never took any belly shots with C because at the time I wasn't happy that things were expanding quicker than they did the first time around.  Logically this would happen but in the moment I didn't want to document it.  Now I regret not being able to look back on my growth with him. 

So here I am at 19.5 weeks pregnant and I haven't taken any belly shots until today.  Its not necessarily that I haven't wanted to, its more like I haven't had time to.  Between my two boys and babysitting a third I don't get too many opportunities to take pictures of anything other than their antics.  I gave in today and stole a few minutes for belly snapshots.  I was complaining to Michael last night that I was getting fat and there is no better way to truly tell except for looking at a picture of yourself.  I am happy to say I feel better about things and my face looks the same (I am so worried my face will get fat lol).  When I was able to button my size zero shorts this morning I felt even better.  Yes, that was bragging.  I'm going to do it while I can (which will probably be only a few more days!).

So without further delay, the belly in all of its 19.5, pregnant with  baby number three glory.

And one from the front so you can get the full impact of my very prominent pregnant belly button.

Yes, these are crappy snapshots.  I know I love to take pictures but someone else needs to step up to the plate once in awhile.  It would be nice to have some decent pictures of myself!

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