Friday, October 7, 2011

Big Day Out

We had quite the busy day today.  We started early this morning with a trip to the pediatrician's office.  Grayson needed another weight check since she had yet to gain any weight as of Monday.  Well she surprised us all by weighing in at a whopping 6 lbs 13oz this morning.  I'm not sure how she possibly gained almost a half a pound since the beginning of the week but I guess i'll go with it.  Now that her weight is on the upward curve we don't have to go back until her 1 month well visit. 

After the doctor's trip we headed out for some lunch and shopping with Nona.  We have a lot of birthdays coming up this month so we had some gifts to buy.  Rocky grew about 4 inches since last year so he was in need of some new clothes.  We got everything done without any major meltdowns so that was a pretty good accomplishment for the day.

We were all exhausted when we got back.  Chase went down for a late nap and these two hung out on the couch together.  The expressions on their faces make me laugh.


We finally woke Chase up around 5:15 but he wasn't too happy about it.  The poor baby was so tired!  I managed to get one non crabby picture of him. 

Hopefully there is some sleep in the the cards for me tonight.  We have a busy weekend with two birthday parites, swimming lessons and dentist appointments.  Back to our usual crazy weekends!

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