Monday, October 17, 2011

3 Weeks Old

Another week done.  I can't believe we'll be approaching the one month mark soon.  Grayson is a good baby so far.  She loves to snuggle and loves to be held.  So far we're still on regular formula (yay!).  She hates to sleep in her bassinet but loves to sleep in her bouncy seat.  I've been sleeping on the couch : /

So far life with three kids is not much different than life with two kids. I was always busy, now I'm just a little busier.  I was used to multi tasking but now I have to get used to doing things one handed again because little miss does not like to be put down sometimes.  I'm sure things will get a little more challenging once Grayson has more awake time but for now we are cruisng along.

The last week or so Grayson's biggest fan has turned out to be Chasey.  He absolutely adores her.  He wants to know what she's doing, wants to help feed her and even helps with diaper changes.  Its so cute to watch and it makes me SO happy.  If you saw how Rocky was when we brought Chasey home than you understand.  I wasn't expecting Chase to adapt so quickly.

How cute are these two?!  He always asks to hold her and it melts my heart.

Here is a few of Grayson during he loooooonnggg awake periods she has in the morning and in the evening.  Love that little face and that fluffly hair!

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