Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 202- Home Improvement

So all those projects around the house that we have been putting off are now coming back to haunt us.  Since we will most likely be calling a realtor in the next couple of weeks to help us rent out our townhouse, its time to get the place in tip top shape.  I have a list of projects that need to be done and fortunately most of them are simple (though time consuming).  We have a lot of decluttering and paint patching to take care of which is easy enough.  But there are those one or two projects that require a little more effort. 

Tonight we decided to start on the shower tile in the master bathroom.  The grout has been slowly chipping away along the bottom row for awhile now.  After watching countless shows on HGTV and some youtube videos I figured it was something we could handle ourselves.  I have always wanted to tile something (strange but true) and this was the closest I was going to get for now.  We chipped away old grout, worked the new grout in and then got everything all cleaned up and so far its looking good.  We still have to seal around the tub but for now we are letting everything set.  Hopefully it still looks as good in the morning!

Unfortunately I have no pictures of the giant mess we made during our first grouting experience so you'll have to take my word for it.  I only snapped a few shots of the boys in between feeding, clean up and bedtime tonight.  Here they are playing with the new guitar and amp that Papa so kindly sent home with R.  Thanks Papa and I'm sure our neighbors thank you too : )

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