Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 199- Ouch

Ouch was pretty much all I have been saying all day today.  I feel like someone took a hammer and smashed my pelvis.  Lovely image right?  I think I'm a pretty good pregnant person.  I don't complain about much and pretty much do all the same things I did before getting pregnant.  There are those rare instances though (like the last 2 days) that really slow me down.  I love being pregnant but the last two days have been exhausting.  I'm not sure what's going on in there but my guess is baby girl is in an extremely awkward position.  When I was pregnant with R he was sitting on a nerve for a couple of weeks that made it impossible for me to walk more than 5 feet without wanting to burst into tears.  Hopefully Miss Grayson decides to move (if that is in fact the issue).  I have a routine appointment next week so if nothing worsens or no other symptoms come about I'll wait until then to talk to my doctor.  I'm pretty sure its just one of those uncomfortable issues that can come from growing a child and carrying around the added weight from day to day.

I am SO lucky to have my family close by, especially in times like this.  My mom and brother kept us company today and took over the lifting and chasing of the boys.  They even took them out to play for a little bit so I could relax.  A short while after they left, Mima and Aunt Melissa came by and kept the boys busy for awhile so I could huddle pathetically in the corner of the couch.  The crew is now out to dinner at the mall leaving me able to sit here and rest.  Its so nice to have extra hands on board when you need them- love you guys <3

Pictures were the last thing on my mind today but I hate to fail so I had to snap a few, even if they were horrible, underexposed  and uninteresting.  Here is C playing with his blocks in the window.  The boys actually cooperated this afternoon and played nicely together.  Love them too : D

This is why pregnant people really have no right to complain, we get one of these at the end of it all.  What could be better?

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