Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 178- Wedding Duties

My cousin's wedding is coming up in just over a week so everyone is in full on preperation mode.  Since I'm the maid of honor and R is the ring bearer we have some responsibilities we have to fulfill.  Today was Tarryn's final fitting so I went with her to get any last minute instructions and learn how to bustle the dress.  She looks beautiful in it of course and I think I got my directions down for the most part.  I also went before her fitting to try my dress on again.  It fit which made me super happy.  Lets just hope Grayson doesn't go through a major growth spurt this week or we will both be a little uncomfortable next weekend : )

We had absolutely awful storms today so I spent a lot of time in the car trying to drive carefully in the crazy downpour.  I was out of the house for 6.5 hours, 5 of which I was in the car and not eating.  Sitting in traffic and starving is not a good way to make a pregannt lady happy.  I got home around 6:30 tonight and got the best greeting by my two little guys.  C hung out and played toys for about a half an hour before he wanted to go to bed and R has been chatting up a storm since I walked in the door.  Between running around, cleaning up and  fixing dinner I snapped a few shots of R while he was playing with his cars and planes.  It was the best I could do at the last second.

Love the concerned looks lol

Sorry for any rambling, I am mentally exhausted and looking forward to sprawling out on the couch any second now : )

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