Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 168- Brotherly Love

We had a nice relaxing enjoyable day today.  The baby came a little later than usual so I snagged an extra half an hour of sleep.  The boys slept in, caught up on their rest and woke up in great moods.  We hung out and played toys and when the baby left we went out for two hours of running errands.  Everyone behaved and we got everything done.  I'd call that a miracle.

In the middle of making dinner tonight I heard laughing and squealing.  When I looked in the boys were in the middle of a friendly wrestling match.  Its so cute to watch them together now.  Here are some moments of brotherly love I managed to catch before they saw what I was up to.

Off to bask in the glow of a perfect stress free day while it lasts <3

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