Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mission Impossible

Oh, what a day!  Yesterday I said we were cruising right along and today I wanted to rip out all of my hair.  Two boys who would not stay away from eachother and a baby who did not want to be put down.  Normally that wouldn't be too difficult to deal with but when you consider the fact that I'm supposed to be getting the house cleaned and straightened up before we put it on the market, it definitely becomes a problem!  We have a realtor coming here at noon on Friday to take pictures of the house so that we can put it up for rent next week.  That means everything has to be sparkling and perfect and no piles of stuff can be sitting around.  Yikes.  I'm only about halfway done and I swear to you I did not sit still for more than 5 minutes today.  As soon as my head hits the pillow tonight I'm going to be out like a light.  Hopefully Grayson sleeps well so that I have the energy to do this all again tomorrow!

Some quick mug shots of the three amigos.  These faces are the reason I still haven't finished what I have to do : /

They are SO lucky they are cute sometimes.

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