Thursday, September 29, 2011

Our First Few Days

The last couple of days have been busy with visitors, coming home from the hospital, pediatrician appointments and unpacking.  Now that we are home we can start settling in to our new way of life.  The first few days are always pretty easy considering baby girl just wants to sleep all day and night.  Besides a few moments of crabiness yesterday afternoon she has been a perfect angel.  She isn't much of an eater yet so I have to keep waking her and trying to feed her until she gets back up to her birth weight.  She left the hospital at 6lbs 11oz yesterday and we go back Friday for a weight check to her pediatrician.  She is such a little peanut!

Here are a few picures ranging from our second night in the hospital to our first afternoon home yesterday. 

Sibling love <3

Getting dressed to come home.  Her outfit was a little too big and she ended up spitting up all over it so there aren't any good shots of it : /

Me and my babies.  I thought I was looking good until I saw this picture lol.  Let's blame this on lack of beauty products in the hospital and no time for doing my hair.

Home at last and stripped down to her Little Sister undershirt while we searched for something that actually fit her.

So proud!

And one final shot before her first night home.  She did an amazing job!  We fed her at 11, she went right up to sleep and I had to wake her at 3am to feed her.  She ate like a champ, burped like a trucker and went right back to sleep.  I finally woke her at 7:15 this morning to feed her again but she wasn't too interested. 

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