Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 166- Party Time

I left the house at 8am this morning and am just sitting down now 12 hours later.  Its Saturday so of course we were on the go all day long.  I started the morning by driving an hour to go get my dress fitted for my cousin's wedding.  The dress is gorgeous.  Too bad my pregnant self couldn't get it zipped all the way : /  Talk about a depressing way to start the day!  The seamstress told me it was an easy fix and not to worry.  So hopefully when I go back to get it in a few weeks it will be all ready to go.

After the dress fitting we managed to get our weekend shopping in.  I felt like I hadn't bought anything for Grayson lately so we took advantage of some great sales going on at 77kids.  She scored some cute outfits and some linen swaddling blankets I had my eye on.  From shopping we were supposed to head out house hunting and I was SO so excited to go.  Unfortunately two of the showings got cancelled so we moved all of our appointments to tomorrow.  Hopefully we can get in tomorrow because I can't wait to go back and look at these places.

SInce house hunting got cancelled it left the afternoon free.  You would think we would have taken advantage of the quiet time but of course we headed to a party instead.  This party was for two high school graduates and I'm sure you're thinking it was your average run of the mill backyard bbq.  Well, you would be wrong.  Picture two massive boiuncy houses, a dunk tank, a dj, a full bar, a huge buffet including lobster, a mobile video game center, spin art, a candy cannon and a pinata.  I'm sure I missed something in there because there was SO much going on.  The boys thought this was awesome of course.  I found it a little exhausting but it was a good time anyway.

This is what R looked like after sampling something from the ice cream bar.

C enjoying my favorite find of the party, cannoli cream and cannoli chips to dip it in.  Best dessert ever.

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