Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 138- Brownie Party

Rain, rain go away! It has literally been raining for the past 4 days straight.  Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.  Sunday is the only day in the 10 day forecast without the chance of showers.  Being stuck in the house for that many days in a row with the kids gets a little trying (to say the least).  Thank goodness R started preschool last week so at least he gets out of the house for that.

After lunch today R dragged out his tent for me to put together.  This thing is on its last leg.  It doesn't even stand up straight in the front.  I put it up anyway and after about 15 minutes of struggling and chasing C around for all the parts he stole, the boys got to play.

That look of joy and happiness lasted all of 3 minutes before they got bored with the whole thing.  Hardly seems worth all the effort to put it up!

After C went up for his nap, R and I decided to make brownies.  He wanted to have a brownie party for snack time so we set the table with special plates and napkins and waited for Nona and Uncle Lucas to arrive.  The brownies were messy but delicious and everyone definitely enjoyed them.  Once the brownie faces were cleaned up R wanted to be the cheese in the Nona and C sandwich.

And since one of C's nicknames is Cheese, R decided that C should be the cheese in the sandwich next.  Can you tell by his face how thrilled he was by this?

C was much happier with out R's 35 pound butt squishing him.

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