Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 130- First Day of School

I can't believe R had his first day of school today!  I handled myself pretty well until we left the house and then I cried like an idiot halfway there.  I would blame it on the pregnancy hormones but I don't know if its really their fault.  If you are a stay at home mom then you can probably relate.  I am literally with my kids from the second they wake up until the second they go to sleep.  Though I complain sometimes about never getting a minute to myself I love being with them.  They are my little sidekicks, my best buddies and my main source of entertainment throughout the day.  I am never without them.  On the way to school this morning I just kept thinking that I didn't want to leave him there.  Its only a 2.5 hour class but I was going to miss him like crazy!

When we got to school C and I walked R to his class.  We met his teachers and some of the kids.  He's only the eighth kid in the class which is really nice.  R walked right in and the teacher showed him where the toys were.  She helped him pick out a letter puzzle and sat down with him to make him feel comfortable.  I hovered by the door for a bit and then got busy filling out paperwork.  When I finally left about an hour later R was in the middle of his first music class singing and clapping with the other kids.  I hugged him and kissed him and told him I would be back soon.  He barely batted an eyelash and then went back to what he was doing.  C and I got to the car and cried like a bunch of babies.  C is a baby so I guess he had an excuse, I on the other hand have none.  C kept screaming for his brother and didn't calm down until we got out at the store 20 minutes later.  It was a rough morning for C and I!

We made it back at 11:30 to pick R up and he had a smile on his face.  The teachers said he did a great job and was a good listener.  He got his little backpack and wore this crazy green hat he made all the way home.  He was a little quiet but from what he said he had a good time and wants to go back Thursday.  He's fast asleep now on the couch so I guess he had a busy morning.  Overall I would say it was a very successful first day at school and I hope all his first days go as smoothly.  My baby is growing up : (

Here is the little school boy before we left this morning.  He got up at 5:30 today because he was so excited to get started!

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